UVC Mirror
What is UVC light?
Ultraviolet (UV) light is a component of the electromagnetic spectrum that falls in the region between visible light and X-Rays.
UVC can be used for disinfection and appears in wavelengths from 200 nm to 280 nm.

How does UV disinfection work?
Many biological studies have proven that when the appropriate dosage of UV light is applied to a target pathogen, it effectively inactivates the DNA or RNA of the pathogen. This inactivation means that the microbe is no longer able to cause infection.
How UV disinfection is measured?
Disinfection is quantified by inactivation rates or Log Reduction Value. Log reduction is a simple mathematical term used to express the relative number of pathogens reduced by disinfection.
The extent to which UVC light can inactivate pathogens is dependent on the dose (intensity x time), wavelength
of radiation (measured in nm), and sensitivity of the specific type of organism.
Different pathogens have unique resistances to UV light; some are very susceptible, while others are more resilient and require more UVC exposure for inactivation.
A number of biological studies have produced widely accepted typical UV dose requirements for most common target microbes in disinfection.
This table shows the different Log Reduction Values:
90 %
99 %
99.9 %
99.99 %

Why UVC is unequalled for disinfection?
Almost all current surface disinfection methods still use chemical agents.
In today’s green environment context, traditional cleaning
protocols are no longer enough, as these mainly include harmful chemicals and unpleasant odors.
UVC effectively eliminates 99.9% of pathogens within its line of sight and cells are not able to build up resistance to UVC light.